Matilda (The Musical)
Follow the adventures of Roald Dahl's plucky young heroine as she triumphs over bad parenting and horrible teachers. With lots of catchy tunes and dance numbers you be pulling for her all the way.
Follow the adventures of Roald Dahl's plucky young heroine as she triumphs over bad parenting and horrible teachers. With lots of catchy tunes and dance numbers you be pulling for her all the way.
If this name isn't familiar it's because you haven't looked at the name of the writer of many of your favorite songs. If you like The Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, and many others then you likely like his music. He also has a distinguished history in the LA music scene. Come out and see why.
Following its themed nights of trivia(topics have included Star Wars and Disney) Sovino's Wine Bar & Merchant is again coming up with a cultural touchstone to quiz you about. There's a lot more at work there than "Inconceivable", I'm sure.
For 50 years these Irish musicians have played around the world with accomplished musicians; often from other music traditions and found that music binds the human family. They can't do this for much longer, come and see them now.
Each Friday, Saturday and Sunday in February the Jos. Boston Store in Monterey is featuring the tastiest of the thistle family. Its history, good recipes, and beauty as a flower are all featured.
Join a mindfulness trainer as she guides this group on a walk through one of the area's newest parks. The walk happens rain or shine so bring appropriate clothing and a thoughtful demeanor. More details at the MPRPD website or by telephone. 831-233-1411
His name is synonymous with great guitar playing, especially the 12 string. His composing of tunes has other players in awe. No one has dominated like Leo in the last 40 years. Come out and hear a master at work.
MIRA, our local cosmic experts, is hosting a viewing of the dark sky over Carmel Valley. Come to Garland Ranch Regional Park and see what up there to see. Likely there will be a great view of Venus and so much more.
Looking for a futuristic view on humanity and its future? They say it is a look beyond dystopian catastrophism. (Quite a mouthful!) If you are looking for a vision of greater social awareness and justice and an ecological flowering of simpler living, here is a chance to meet other like minded folks.
Bringing to life the history of dance in the Hispanic world this group, under the direction of Tina Ramirez, has for 50 years been touring and performing throughout the world. They have arrived at the Sunset Center and contribute to the legacy of Latino culture here.
Just what is sounds like. Lots of good music played in seven venues and with many levels of players. The best of high school talent and the cream of pro talent come together to play and learn.
Snakes, frogs, turtles, and so much more! Help celebrate the First Friday in downtown Santa Cruz and learn a whole bunch about the fauna of the area. Or, bring a young'un along and watch the joy as the animals do their magic. http://santacruzmuseum .org
The entire Hartnell Music Department turns out to create this extra special presentation of music. In addition, light refreshments are available. Come out and hear.
The author of "Our Wild Calling" and "Lost Child in the Woods" will be talking about the importance of wildness and nature in the growth of a person, especially children.
A moving elegy to the death of a young man at the hands of hateful people. The Camera Singers are presenting this to raise awareness of the fact that hate still flourishes.
Still out there 200 gigs a year the premier Bay Area rhythm an horn section is coming to town. Hear some great grooves and musicianship. These folks put on great show.
The breadth of this festival over the years has been formidable, just like life, whether one is Jewish or not. Obviously these films focus on the issues of being Jewish throughout the span of history. Several venues and different times make it necessary that you consult the website for details. here it is;
While it is a little early for St. Pat's Day it's never to soon to enjoy Irish/Celtic music, especially when played by talented musicians. Here we have a virtuoso on the harp, fiddle and dulcimer. It's also in a great venue, the Santa Cruz Veteran's Memorial. More info available at
The folks who create the Luna Bars are the producers of this mini-film fest. Featuring the work of several women filmmakers the topics range over a number of issues important to society in general and women in particular. Join the Junior League at the Carmel Women's Club for one of two showings (2:30 & 5:30) […]
The theme is Alice in Wonderland and there will be puppets and attendees are invited to dress in costume or in "fursuits". It is a celebration of the imagination and creation. Come ready to create, make and have fun. Check the website for better info.
Described as "the love child of John Prine and Mitch Hedberg", John promises to have rare insight and humor into the human condition. Why not come out and see for yourself?
Presenting the works of Haydn, Dvorak, and Enescu this celebrated group comes to town after acclamations by the best of the world's violinists.
This band is presenting "Arctic Air" a composition of their innovative and interesting instrumentation and composition. It promises to be an evening of innovation.
He also helped "Americanize" California. This is a performance by local actor Howard Burnham focusing on Fremont and his controversial time here in California. The story is filled with all the elements of interesting tales, politics, guns, wild lies, and riches to be made.
Take a viola and a violin combine with two virtuosi performers, and mix in lots of modern and popular music and you have this group. The people they have played with looks like a list of the performers on any big music award show.
If you are a fan of Thomas Kinkade art then you should come by and take a look at what's going on here. Or if you have always wanted to get some of his art but were waiting for a special reason, here it is. Mr. Kinkade's brother and son will be on hand to […]
These are three short plays based on the concept of responsibility. What the other "Rs" are a mystery. You'll have to go see to find out. They are written by Western Stage's resident dramatist, Harvey Landa. Performances are Saturday 7:30 and Sunday at 2:00. More details at,
Come celebrate PI Day in an innovative manner. Dress up in your best WWII era clothing, or figure something out, and come to dance to tunes from the era and celebrate like it's 1941.
It's a new and different way to celebrate Pi Day! Come to the PG Museum of Natural History a and enjoy rocking out with reggae from KavaJah and the Remedies as well as the fun and interesting exhibits at the museum. Details at
At the Pacific Grove Natural History Museum they are sponsoring some evening events and here is one. There will be games, food, and music. Come see their fossil collections as well as the many other exhibits that help us understand the unique wonders of Monterey County and the Bay. One of the country's best small […]
The sons of the lead players of the Allman Bros., Band Mark Ford and Jackson Stokes, bring their father's skill and energy to the Rio stage. If you like Southern Rock and high energy you'll love this evening's entertainment.
Local musician and a fudgroup are gearing up to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in the traditional way, singing songs and telling stories. Because there is alcohol, no doubt some of that will involved.
Yes, you read that right. The Hovering Breadcat Band is appearing at the Credo Studio in San Juan Bautista.Their blend of interesting covers, thoughtful original compositions and general liveliness will captivate you. Come and see what they will be doing for St. Patrick's Day.
From the world of MMA to the stages here in Monterey County this band has a reputation for being fun and talented. Come see "not just another Irish Band" locally at Folktale Winery.
The Finnish singer/songwriter brings her vocal stylings and international reputation to the lovely Henry Miller Library grounds. Come hear something you have likely never heard before.
A play that explores uncertainty in our lives can be quite challenging. This one is. But makes for good theater. And good theater is challenging. So, come and find out how uncertainty works, sometimes. Thursdays at 7:30, Fridays at 8:00 and Sundays 2:00. details,
Come to the Seymour Center and take part in their tour of the nearby lagoon, home to a wide variety of wildlife , especially birds. A knowledgeable guide will take you around the lagoon on an easy trail for 90 minutes. You'll know so much more by the end.
It's been 100 years since the right to vote was allowed for women. Change has been slow but constant. Women sometimes disagree about the degree of change but it is inevitable. The Democratic Women's Club of Monterey County are celebrating it with this luncheon and its speaker.
This exhibit is a visual journey through the process of learning about Tom Killion's experiences with the Japanese print master, Kenji Takenaka. As he took Killion through the long rich traditions that are part of creating this art form Killion also experienced some personal growth. All reflected in the art of these prints.
It starts at six with a quick lesson/tuneup for less skilled dancers and begins for everyone at seven. Music, dance and society. Come check it out. Check the website for news about potential cancellations. http://[email protected]
Come to the Seymour Center and go on this tour of the nearby lagoon,It is filled with wildlife of many types, especially birds. It's a 90 minute trip around the lagoon with a knowledgeable guide and you will finish with a head full of interesting information.
One of modern music's most recognized performers He has 45 Dove Awards and three Grammies. He has sold over 15 million albums. Here he is in Monterey for your entertainment and devotion.
Most of us will easily realize that the beautiful building in India is not appearing in Monterey for one night. Yes, it is the legendary Blues singer/player. After 50 years of singing roots music and blues, Taj is coming to town to share his music.
One can't help but wonder, Who leads? nonetheless;ess this festivity celebrates women's efforts at self-help. Sponsored by Community Human Services and benefiting homeless women and families it has been doing a good job of it all these years. Come help a good cause.
Join a mindfulness trainer as she guides this group on a walk through one of the area's newest parks. The walk happens rain or shine so bring appropriate clothing and a thoughtful demeanor. More details at the MPRPD website or by telephone. 831-233-1411
You've seen those sepia toned books celebrating cities and places of the United States. This one is about Davenport, not the couch, the city just north of Santa Cruz. Some of the people who were instrumental in the production will be on hand to sign copies and help launch the book onto local bookshelves.