Anne Lamott

Carmel Sunset Center

A distinguished and awarded California writer, Anne Lamott, will be here to share her insights on life and modern times. She has published two best selling books about just those topics as well as many others. Join her for a thoughtful evening.

Anne Lamott

Carmel Sunset Center

A distinguished and awarded California writer, Anne Lamott, will be here to share her insights on life and modern times. She has published two best selling books about just those topics as well as many others. Join her for a thoughtful evening.

Women’s March

CSUMB Soccer Field Seaside, CA, United States

Still animated about the political climate here in the US? Here's an opportunity to join others in protest and action.

Women’s March

CSUMB Soccer Field Seaside, CA, United States

Still animated about the political climate here in the US? Here's an opportunity to join others in protest and action.

Tech Tutoring

Santa Cruz Public Library 224 Church St. , Santa Cruz , CA, United States

Are you tired of asking the youngsters in your life how to do things on the computer or phone or one of those pads? Here's a way to gather your own info and feel like you know something. The Santa Cruz Public Library is offering classes in basic computer skills and using the library's systems […]

Tech Tutoring

Santa Cruz Public Library 224 Church St. , Santa Cruz , CA, United States

Are you tired of asking the youngsters in your life how to do things on the computer or phone or one of those pads? Here's a way to gather your own info and feel like you know something. The Santa Cruz Public Library is offering classes in basic computer skills and using the library's systems […]

World Affairs Council Persian Gulf and MidEast

Rancho Canada Golf Course 4860 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, CA, United States

Want more info and you're tired of the pundits on the tube? Want to ask questions and hear clear thoughts on a difficult topic? This may be what you are looking for. The lecture part is free and starts at 12:50, there is a charge for lunch though.

World Affairs Council Persian Gulf and MidEast

Rancho Canada Golf Course 4860 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, CA, United States

Want more info and you're tired of the pundits on the tube? Want to ask questions and hear clear thoughts on a difficult topic? This may be what you are looking for. The lecture part is free and starts at 12:50, there is a charge for lunch though.

Tai Chi with Zen Master Chen Zhonghua

Marina Public Library 190 Seaside Circle, Marina , CA, United States

internationally known and respected , Master Chen will be on hand in Marina to give some background on Tai-Chi and fundamentals for the practice. Great way to improve your health and it's free.

Tai Chi with Zen Master Chen Zhonghua

Marina Public Library 190 Seaside Circle, Marina , CA, United States

internationally known and respected , Master Chen will be on hand in Marina to give some background on Tai-Chi and fundamentals for the practice. Great way to improve your health and it's free.