Farmers Market Salinas Valley Health (12-5)*

Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Romie Lane , Salinas

Although there is less and less daytime  and some markets are closing for the season there are still some markets open and there are vendors of fruit and produce available. […]

Mercado Popular Salinas Sports Complex (4-9)

Salinas Sports Complex N. Main Street, Salinas

Although there is less and less daytime  and some markets are closing for the season there are still some markets open and there are vendors of fruit and produce available. […]

Will Roberts The Honest Huckster

Zucchini's Magic Shop 711 Cannery Row, Monterey

Will Roberts is an interesting fellow, according to the website he is an actor, magician, trick roper, and much more. For these performances he is focusing on magic. If you […]