
False Food

Pacific Grove Natural History Museum 165 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove

What is this? Why False Food? Is that something that just looks like food? Yes, exactly. Not for us humans though. It's what sea animals think is their food but […]

Cabrillo College Contemporary Music Festival

Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium 307 High St., Santa Cruz

Some of the music presented here is a couple years old, others still a little damp from the final edits. In any case it is new and worth listening to. […]

Nordic Nationals Challenger (Pro Tennis)

Seascape Sports Club 1505 Seascape Blvd., Aptos

Some of the nation's best tennis players (the ones on their way to the big-time) come to the area to earn prize money and ranking points. You can drop by […]

Cars of the Summer (The Best of Classic Cars)

Diment Hall 8th & Lincoln, Carmel BTS

A photographic exhibit by a professional photographer featuring the cars he has loved since he had a chance to steer from his dad's lap. Many of us can relate to […]

East Coast Swing

Palomar Ballroom 1344 Pacific Ave., SAnta Cruz

Wednesdays at the Palomar Ballroom you can trip the light fantastic in the East Coast Swing style. Lessons for beginning and intermediate dancers are available and then it is dancing […]